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作者:G.Grassi|严晓伟 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/6/21 19:06:00    加入收藏
 关键字:navigator esh巅峰对话 高血压 

   International Circulation: Usually, combination therapy is an effective treatment used in essential hypertensive patients with diabetes. Is there optimized treatment strategy in these patients?


    Dr. Yan: In these patients we need to achieve a relatively lower blood pressure target, just as Professor Grassi mentioned, near 130/80 mmHg and treated with combined anti-hypertension drugs. In this combination treatment we usually choose a RAS blocker plus another drug to achieve the blood pressure target.  

    严晓伟教授:在这些患者中,我们需要达到一个相对较低的血压目标,正如Grassi 教授所提到的,接近130/80 mm Hg并采用抗高血压药物联合治疗。这这种联合治疗中,我们通常选择一种RAS阻滞剂加另一种药物来达到血压目标。

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