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[ESH巅峰对话]Krzysztof Narkiewicz和张维忠教授谈高危高血压患者降压目标和治疗方案

作者:K.Narkiewicz|张维忠 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/6/21 19:40:00    加入收藏
 关键字:navigator esh巅峰对话 高血压 

    International Circulation: Professor Zhang, you have attended many international meetings yourself and also chaired many important domestic conferences in China. This 2010 ESH meeting here in Oslo is an important meeting for you as well.There are many hot topics here including endothelial dysfunction in atherosclerosis secondary prevention and other topics like hypertension related renal syndromes.Which topic or session have you attended that you have found is of particular interest to you or especially important to clinicians in China?


    Zhang: There are many aspects I’m interested in but of particular note there are three that I think are exceptionally important. The first is that the meeting revealed the importance of blood pressure variability.The emerging results of blood pressure variability is important for the prognosis of hypertension, particularly related to stroke. There are many therapies related to the improvement of prognosis. The second is related to combined therapy strategies and the presentation of clinical trials, like the TALENT trial, comparing which drug treatment strategy is better. For a long time many pharmacologic strategies were viewed similarly to control blood pressure but now we are seeing some drug combinations emerging as leading to better outcomes. This is very important for the treatment of hypertension and for clinical practice.The third is hypertension with diabetes. How to start treatment? What blood pressure target should be used to guide treatment? What methodology or preferred drug regimen should be used to reduce blood pressure? These are some very important questions be addressed at this year’s meeting. More than 70% of diabetes patients also have hypertension so treatment of hypertension is important for renal function outcomes. So not only lowering blood pressure but also protection against other organ damage. These three aspects are very important for us in China. 


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用户:zhangyusheng 时间:2010/7/24 21:55:00


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