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[GWICC2009]William Louis谈降压策略

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/10/15 15:18:00    加入收藏
 关键字:William Louis 降压策略 长城会 

International Circulation: Resistant hypertension is still a great challenge for cardiologists. What is the current optimal strategy to treat these patients?

Williams Louis:  I will start responding first by saying that, with the available drugs we have, you probably shouldn’t see resistant hypertension in your normal practice.  You may see it occasionally in a specialists practice but with a judicious choice of drugs a physician should be able to control almost everyone’s blood pressure.  Where people run into problems is when the first persist with mono-therapy, at first continuing to increase the dose of one drug.  As you do that you rarely get additional reductions in blood pressure but do get a lot more side effects.  You might say that the patient is on the maximum dose of a drug and not respond and then call that resistant hypertension.  The problem is that this is not good therapy. Although some patients respond to standard doses of mono-therapy, it is becoming clear that if they don’t respond then you should quickly move to a mixed dose combination therapy.  Some would argue that, given the target pressures we have now, you may be better off starting with a fixed dose combination therapy.  In the occasion patient where the pressure tends to be a bit lower than you would like, then reduce the dose.  There are the two options.  Let’s say you start with and ACE and a diuretic, if you double the dose of the combination and you still don’t have adequate control then it makes sense to add in a small dose of

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用户:循环网手机网友 时间:2016/1/22 9:51:41


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